This Week’s Top Stories About Managed Wifi
What is Managed Wifi? Managed Wifi is an outsource wireless network which enables customers, residents, or visitors to connect to the Internet through multiple access points around a large building, ensuring wide area coverage. The service provider connects clients with a WLAN or Local Area Network (LAN), which carries the data and allows for several Internet services to be accessed. Managed Wifi vendors offer services such as wireless laptops, desktops, tablets, modems, gateway machines, and secured wireless networks.
Wireless Networks:
Managed Wifi provides numerous internet service providers (ISP) with access to multiple wireless networks. This enables them to provide their subscribers with a wide range of connectivity options. Many Managed Wifi providers also allow clients to use their own dedicated servers to establish secure VPN connections. These devices can be used to create a secure connection between a client’s laptop and the managed VPN server. Other devices such as desktops and tablets are also capable of connecting to the VPN using WEP or Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP).
Desktop Computers: Managed Wifi makes it easy for desktops and other portable computers to connect to a VPN managed Wi-Fi hotspot. With the implementation of desktop computers, it becomes possible to establish multiple access points on a single network. This means that users can gain access to several services simultaneously without having to wait on long Internet connections. Cloud-based providers of Managed WiFi allow users to have several access points from the same location, making it easier to browse the internet and update one service on the go.
Wireless Networks: With the help of enterprise wifi, it becomes possible for employees to access wireless networks from different workstations even if they are in different locations. It helps to reduce the time consumed by IT staffs while traveling back and forth to the corporate office. Wi-Fi managers can set up access to any number of wireless networks. It also helps them establish secure VPN connections between multiple workstations. Mobile devices will be able to connect with the enterprise wifi network through SSIDs provided by the manager. Managed Wlanizing also helps businesses manage multiple wireless networks efficiently.
Multiple Access Points:
Enterprises can establish multiple access points using Managed Wlanizing. Each access point will have its own SSID and password. Each device connected to a WLAN can be granted access to a certain range of internet connections. A single managed Wlanized network can serve a large number of wireless internet users at the same time, without bogging down a high-speed internet connection. Businesses can set up as many access points as required for optimal traffic management and web browsing speed on their high-speed wifi connection.
Help Desk Support: A managed wifi solution will allow you to seamlessly answer customer calls from any location. The Managed Wlanizer service provider will assign an extension in the WEP (wireless access point) number to every user of the managed Wlan. A call to the help desk will then be routed to that extension. This will help the customer get immediate help if they experience a problem with their connection and get it fixed fast.
Three Use Cases: Managed Wlanizing is ideal for small to medium size enterprises that face tight resource constraints. They can use this feature to connect with other wireless devices in their office or to support their internal wireless network. Enterprises that are planning to expand their current wireless network should consider setting up a Managed Wlanized zone. This will allow employees to connect with other wireless devices outside the office in areas where their current wireless network is weak. Managed wifi providers usually offer WPA2 security to secure your business data against unauthorized use.
Businesses that are in need of additional connectivity should consider a managed Wifi service. It offers the advantages of cheaper long-term set-ups while providing a flexible connectivity solution.
- It also allows users to exchange internet connectivity without the additional cost of VPN or SSI.
- his will make Managed Wifi Service a better option in the long run, especially if you need to improve the productivity of your employees.
- For more information on Managed Wifi Service, check out our website for a complete list of benefits and uses.